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多合一的梦想——LG 触摸技术的革命(中英对照)[图]


作 者:


  Movie Lessons: Scarface




  The plot: In 1980, 125,000 Cuban refugees fled to the U.S. to find a better life. And for one of the refugees named Tony Montana, nothing will satisfy but the world and everything in it. Along with his good friend Manny, Tony starts doing dirty work for a Miami drug kingpin named Frank Lopez. After escaping a gang of double-crossing Columbians and a chainsaw, Tony’s raw and determined spirit wins Frank’s respect and employ. After Tony makes a cocaine deal with a Bolivian drug lord behind his back, Frank foils an attempt to rub out the scar-faced Cuban, which leads to his demise. With Frank out of the way, Tony marries his girlfriend Elvira and starts to build the largest drug empire in the southeast. But once reaching the top, Tony soon finds his world sailing to the bottom after losing his wife, his sister, his friend, and ultimately his life.

  剧情:1980年125,000古巴难民逃到美国去寻找更美好的生活。对于难民托尼.蒙大拿(Tony Montana)来说,只有世界及所有的一切才能满足他。与好朋友曼妮(Manny)一道,托尼开始为迈阿密的毒枭弗兰克.罗伯茨(Frank Lopez)作违法的事。经过被欺骗从哥伦比亚人团伙中逃脱出来之后,托尼的冷静及果断的性格受到弗兰克的尊重并受到重用。之后托尼在背后与玻利维亚毒枭做了笔可卡因的交易, 弗兰克放弃了杀掉脸上有刀疤的古巴人的企图,并把位子让渡给托尼。弗兰克退出后,托尼与他的女友埃尔维娜(Elvira)结婚并开始在东南部建立最大的毒品帝国。然而一爬到顶端,托尼很快发现他的世界滑向了底端,失去了妻子,姐妹,朋友及他的生命。

  Lessons learned from Scarface


  Don’t mince words


  People these days use a lot of verbal filler. Yet, when you say what you mean and are sincere, people will trust you more and will want to do business with you. Mincing words shows that you aren’t decisive and are just trying to say what the other side wants to hear. Be direct in conversation. This will show respect and honesty, which are two characteristics of a stand-up paisan.


  Seize opportunities


  Every missed opportunity holds you back, so you have to be vigilant and willing to move on any potential occasion. The best opportunities are usually the ones that pop up unannounced. Knowing a good deal from a rotten egg isn’t a skill that you’ll acquire overnight. It takes practice and experience. Just know this: It’s better to shoot and miss than to never pick up the gun at all.


  Bite the bullet


  As Tony said, you only have two things in this world: Your word and your balls, and you shouldn’t break them for anybody. Honoring commitments will put you on the fast track when it comes to getting on top. Don’t make deals if you can’t follow through. Even if something doesn’t go the way you plan while fulfilling an obligation, bite the bullet and finish the job. If things change, you shouldn’t be the one to change them. Know your place in the operation and complete the task given to you.


  Don’t cross somebody first


  Deceit is a gift, but vengeance is swift. The old philosophy that says "It’s better to strike first" has no respect or relevance in the world today. Rome had many Caesars not because of how long it had been around but because they constantly had to be looking over their shoulders for some stronzo with a dagger, who was usually their double-crossing bodyguard. Be the first to show honor and loyalty. If this is welcomed with a stab in the back, you’ll know how much harder to push the blade in return.


  Know when to cut ties


  There comes a time to end a relationship, business or otherwise. Sure, there’s loyalty but it’s a two-way street. If they cross you, cut the cord. If you have a better opportunity elsewhere and they’re not willing to match, end it. If they aren’t willing to compensate you for breaking your back for them, someone else will. It ultimately comes down to knowing what you deserve. The problem today isn’t selfishness, it’s people giving too much of themselves without looking out for number one. Don’t be the martyr.


  Surround yourself with the right people


  The right people make the difference. You have to surround yourself with capos that are fully supportive of your goals. If everyone is working toward the same and it gets done quicker. That being said, you want to treat your people well. You don’t want to lose them to competition or have them bring down your work. Usually, all your guys want is to hear that they’re doing a good job and are bringing something to the operation. If not, they will find something else, just like you would.


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