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星期一,2008年2月25日,ERIK SCHELZIG/美联社
该系统经过精心设计,保证详细的病人资料可在医疗专家之间安全地传输。它将使医生能够通过因特网来获取病历,开处方药品并传输图像,如X光片, 核磁共振和CT扫描。
“作为患者,我们真的希望我们的资料可以很方便的提供给医生,无论在何时何地,” AT & T亚特兰大分公司保健营销主任Diane Turcan说道,“我们当然不希望以复印文件被记录下来”。

田纳西州州长Phil Bredesen,成为政客前曾自己创建过“健康美国公司”,他也已倡导电子纪录,因为目前用笔记录的系统太没效率。


AT&T正在为已经提供给田纳西州的各国机关的安全网络研发一个民营门户网站,Turcan表示, AT&T公司在门户网站的投资已很“重大”,但没有透露细节。
州长的电子健康理事会的董事及主席Antoine Agassi说,田纳西州与AT&T的处理应该为个人用户降低成本。医生可以申请国家资助,以支付的登陆这个系统的成本。
Agassi表示国家和AT&T将在今年花大部分时间微调系统,并希望消费者可以在2008年年底开始看到明显的改变。 马上翻译!


(NASHVILLE, Tenn.) — AT&T Inc. is partnering with Tennessee to provide the country's first statewide system to electronically exchange patient medical information, the telecommunications company said Monday.
The system is designed to securely transmit detailed patient information between medical professionals. It will allow doctors to access medical histories, prescribe medicines over the Internet and transfer images like X-rays, MRIs and CT scans.
"As patients we really want our information to be available to physicians whenever and wherever they're needed," said Diane Turcan, director of health care marketing for AT&T in Atlanta. "And we certainly don't want to be copying paper records."
Tennessee's program is seen as a model for other states and may be a springboard for interstate information sharing networks in the future, she said.
Doctors can use the system to remotely evaluate patients in rural areas who have less access to medical facilities. It will also link to the state Department of Health for access to the immunization and disease registry, death certificate processing and medical license renewals.
Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, who ran HealthAmerica Corp. before becoming a politician, has championed electronic records because of the inefficiency of the current paper-based system.

"If patients' medical history and record of care are available to their hospital, laboratory, pharmacy or physician, then they will ultimately receive better and more cost-effective medical care," Bredesen said in a written statement.

Just Trans!

AT&T is developing a private portal within the secure network it already provides for state agencies in Tennessee. Turcan said AT&T's investment in the portal has been "significant" but declined to elaborate.
Antoine Agassi, director and chairman of the governor's eHealth Council, said Tennessee's deal with AT&T should keep costs down for individual subscribers. Doctors can apply for state grants to defray the costs of getting set up on the system.
"Having the ability to get this from a pre-negotiated service level at a very, very competitive rate is a huge step forward," he said.
The state and AT&T will spend most of this year fine-tuning the system and hope that consumers will begin to notice a change by the end of 2008, Agassi said.

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