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航运专业英语词汇翻译   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W


负担能力    ability to bear

一等水手;干练水手    able bodied [= able bodied seaman] {= AB}

绝对禁运品;绝对违禁品{武器麻醉品等}    absolute contraband

绝对隔离检疫    absolute quarantine

航海摘要日志    abstract log

运煤船    AC; coal carrier; collier

承诺条款    acceptance clause

附属费用    accessorial charge

事故性油污    accidental discharge

累积时数    accumulative hours

行为;条例;法案    act

公共敌人行为    act of public enemies

战争行为    act of war

对人诉讼    action in personam

对物诉讼    action in rem

交易指数    activity index

实际运送人    actual carrier

附件;附录;附约;齿冠    addendum

货到通知条款    address clause

回佣    address commission

海事案例    admiralty cases

海事法庭{英国}    admiralty court

入会费    admission fee

预支运费;预付运费    advance freight {= a.f.}; paid freight; prepaid freight

装运通知;装船通知    advice note [= advice of shipment; shipping advice]

代理费[用]    agency fee

代理    agency; delegation

同线分程合计运价限制条款    aggregate-of-intermediate clause

空气损害    airborne damage

通冷风货    aircooled cargo

节余装卸时间    all laytime saved

装卸总时限    all purposes of hours

节余自然日数    all time saved

总括数    all told

节余工作时间    all working time saved

免费行李量    allowance baggage

船边交货    alongside delivery; delivery overside; free alongside ship {= FAS}; immediate

契约争执    altercation in contract

超逾许可装卸时间持续计算延滞费    always on demurrage once on demurrage

契约文句暧昧    ambiguilty in contract

美国油轮标准运价    American Tanker Rate Scale {= ATRS rate}

美国油轮运价表    American Tanker Rate Schedule {= ATRS}

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