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航运专业英语词汇翻译   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W


冰阻    ice bound

冰封    icebound

识别标志    identification mark

立即回扣    immediate rebate

立即回扣制    immediate rebate system

即期装船    immediate shipment; prompt shipment

载货水呎表    immersion scale

入境移民局    immigration office

默示担保    implied undertaking

进口许可证    import licence certificate

进口舱单    import manifest; inward manifest

输入许可[证]    import permit

输入检疫证明书    import quarantine Certificate

不能履行    impossibility of performance

堆装不当;装载不良    improper stowage

外表情况良好    in apparent good order and condition

依序    in regular turn

进口载货证券    inbound B/L

并入条款    incorporation clause

赔偿条款    Indemnity Clause

专业航商    independent owner

示意价    indicating rate

间接成本    indirect cost

间接损害    indirect damage; subsequent damage

次级运送船    inferior carrier

强制命令;禁止命令    injunction

内陆集散场[站];内陆货柜集散站;内陆仓库    inland depot

内陆港    inland port; inland harbor

内海运务    inland sea service

内陆运输    inland transport

内河运输    inland water transport

内陆水道    inland waterway

国际接种防疫证明书{黄皮书}    Inoculation and Vaccination Certificate; International Inoculation and Vaccination Certificate

装卸周期    in-out cycle

默示意愿    inplied intention

包装不当    insufficiency of packing

不充分包装    insufficient packing

包装不固货    insufficiently packed cargo

隔热式货柜    insulated container

已保险载货证券    insured B/L

装船重量    intake weight; shipping weight

托装量    intaken quantity

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